
Showing posts from July, 2020

Love Your Feet!

I am reviewing the many many issues with toe nails and the skin of the feet. So many issues can get bad fast and they actually can start from simple neglect. Let us not neglect to trim our toenails! This is not just about getting ugly holes in your socks or even worse, a hole in your breathable sneakers..! By leaving them too long you can cause extra pressure on your nail beds. This can cause serious damage to the way your nails grow, causing cause ingrown nails or much worse! Such a simple thing to do is to keep them trimmed as often as they need it. Its actually more important than you think ♡ Next.. hard callused areas are that way for a reason..! Do ignore it and allow the problem to continue. Friction and pressure need to be changed or the issues will just continue to get worse and worse. Corns can actually turn into ulcers and very serious issues, even in extreme cases amputation. All from not taking care to prevent rubbing in our shoes or wearing ones that are too ti

My Footcare Course Update

I have now completed my 11 modules and 11 quizzes for the correspondence part of my footcare course! So exciting!! On July 18th I will do my first day of practical experience via Zoom. (Our teacher has her own footcare clinic). Then I will write my exam. I cant wait!  Due to Covid 19, the final practicum will be delayed until safe to complete.  It is my hope to finish by September!! My youngest will be starting school making this career a great option to work around school hours. Stay tuned! ♡