Foot Care Course Complete!


  I have been hesitant to share my progress with the foot care course as my 1st practical day got cancelled and rescheduled 3 times!!!! It finally happened and was great! I was nervous that my second day would get cancelled as well.. which it did!!! I was kind of in shock, as i was just joking to my family saying "I better check my email to see if she cancelled again" haha.. Then it actually was, even after hearing from her "See you tomorrow" the afternoon prior! I really tried not to get my hopes up about the second date... 
  But Nov 20th we had the 2nd practical work experience day and it was Amazing! Finally, finally, I have passed in my 11 quizes and my final exam, completed the on-the-job training day, received my kit of supplies... and I am ready to begin my career doing foot care!! <3 I am officially a Foot Care Nurse. Exciting!!!!

Hard work pays off! I can't wait to get started..! First I will be practicing on family and friends.. 

Stay tuned!! <3


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