My Poor Toe!

This is a late entry as I wasn't sure how to go about writing this post: 

     Sometime in early August I think, my right 3rd toe had the nail ripped half off. I am still not sure how it happened... It was painless, and I only discovered later that it was lifting up. My guess is maybe on a day of swimming for a few hours it got caught on the bottom of the local pool? Or stubbed on the sidewalk while wearing my flip flops? But anyway, I will spare you the image of the missing toenail.

I kept it covered a long time with a bandaid as It was half hanging on and I wanted to keep it covered as much as possible to that it wouldnt catch on anything and tear worse. Well, one day I left in uncovered and it did catch on something.. it tore the rest of the way off and hurt and was bleeding. Needless to say I have kept it covered since then. 

     The waiting game has begun for it to grow back. The facts are so much more real to me now about how very slow our toenails actually grow. Growth is approximately 3mm in a month and can take a toenail 12-18 months to grow back completely! That will be a long wait til I feel happy about painting my toes again!

It's funny the day I took the photo of my toe in bandaid my daughter had some Hubba Bubba gum and got me to read her the joke.. below was a fun fact about toenails LOL :) <3


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