
Practice Makes Perfect

 I just completed care on my 6th Client. I feel the confidence building and am very comfortable with my routine and supplies. Have I remembered even once to take a "before" and "after" photo? No I have not :( I have seen many thickened nails, involuted nails and calluses.  I also have not received my business cards yet, or my approval as a Blue Cross provider - but they are both coming any day now. Both those things will give me a little kick-start I think <3  Loving this job so far for sure! Friends and family, please spread the word. An hour appt is $55 and I come to you within Greater Moncton. Cheryl Tower LPN, FCN

Just Getting Started!

  Here I am in action! Practicing now without an instructor - on my own husband's feet. I loved it. I feel confident that I can do this and do well. I can't wait to have more family and friends volunteer.  I'm just happy I get to do what I love! <3 Here is the link to my page on Facebook, where people can make appointments, share reviews etc.

Foot Care Course Complete!

      I have been hesitant to share my progress with the foot care course as my 1st practical day got cancelled and rescheduled 3 times!!!! It finally happened and was great! I was nervous that my second day would get cancelled as well.. which it did!!! I was kind of in shock, as i was just joking to my family saying "I better check my email to see if she cancelled again" haha.. Then it actually was, even after hearing from her "See you tomorrow" the afternoon prior! I really tried not to get my hopes up about the second date...      But Nov 20th we had the 2nd practical work experience day and it was Amazing! Finally, finally, I have passed in my 11 quizes and my final exam, completed the on-the-job training day, received my kit of supplies... and I am ready to begin my career doing foot care!! <3 I am officially a Foot Care Nurse. Exciting!!!! Hard work pays off! I can't wait to get started..! First I will be practicing on family and friend

My Poor Toe!

This is a late entry as I wasn't sure how to go about writing this post:       Sometime in early August I think, my right 3rd toe had the nail ripped half off. I am still not sure how it happened... It was painless, and I only discovered later that it was lifting up. My guess is maybe on a day of swimming for a few hours it got caught on the bottom of the local pool? Or stubbed on the sidewalk while wearing my flip flops? But anyway, I will spare you the image of the missing toenail. I kept it covered a long time with a bandaid as It was half hanging on and I wanted to keep it covered as much as possible to that it wouldnt catch on anything and tear worse. Well, one day I left in uncovered and it did catch on something.. it tore the rest of the way off and hurt and was bleeding. Needless to say I have kept it covered since then.       The waiting game has begun for it to grow back. The facts are so much more real to me now about how very slow our toenails actually grow.

Love Your Feet!

I am reviewing the many many issues with toe nails and the skin of the feet. So many issues can get bad fast and they actually can start from simple neglect. Let us not neglect to trim our toenails! This is not just about getting ugly holes in your socks or even worse, a hole in your breathable sneakers..! By leaving them too long you can cause extra pressure on your nail beds. This can cause serious damage to the way your nails grow, causing cause ingrown nails or much worse! Such a simple thing to do is to keep them trimmed as often as they need it. Its actually more important than you think ♡ Next.. hard callused areas are that way for a reason..! Do ignore it and allow the problem to continue. Friction and pressure need to be changed or the issues will just continue to get worse and worse. Corns can actually turn into ulcers and very serious issues, even in extreme cases amputation. All from not taking care to prevent rubbing in our shoes or wearing ones that are too ti

My Footcare Course Update

I have now completed my 11 modules and 11 quizzes for the correspondence part of my footcare course! So exciting!! On July 18th I will do my first day of practical experience via Zoom. (Our teacher has her own footcare clinic). Then I will write my exam. I cant wait!  Due to Covid 19, the final practicum will be delayed until safe to complete.  It is my hope to finish by September!! My youngest will be starting school making this career a great option to work around school hours. Stay tuned! ♡

Tips I Have Learned About Foot Soaks

    Over the years, I have done so many foot soaks. I have even got my children enjoying this practice. The first thing I was surprised to learn in my Foot Care textbook was that foot soaks should only be 10-15mins maximum. For Diabetics, even less, a maximum of 5 minutes!      Frequent, or lengthy, foot soaks can actually dry out your feet . It is best to add some oils to your water to prevent drying your skin.      Well I am a huge fan of nice long baths as well... And over the last couple years I have noticed my heels getting dry, even minor fissures there along the edges of my heel!      With this new knowledge, I looked up what oils are known to be good for feet . I came across this great page and plan to buy a few of the oils suggested here: Happy soaking and caring correctly for those wonderful feet of yours!